Why Pregnancy over 40 is fabulous.
Progesterone for Fertility, 1st Trimester and Preterm Labor & Delivery Prevention
What to do when you first find out you are pregnant. Before your first OB appointment.
Should I get the Covid Booster Vaccine if I'm pregnant?
Are there concerns for high weight women during pregnancy?
Dr. Abdelhak expounds on what makes a patient high risk in pregnancy. As always, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch with us on our website at or reach out on any of our social channels. Integrative …
Screening for Aneuploidy in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy.
What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know about the Baby's Movements.
When your OB/GYN promises you one thing but you get another and how to avoid it.
Why is ultrasound important? Beneficial? How is it used? What do women need to know about the safety of ultrasound in pregnancy?
Why not all women can fit into one box when it comes to weight gain in pregnancy.
When the cervix is unable to hold a pregnancy in the second trimester and there are no contractions, labor, or both.
Dr. Abdelhak Examines Sudden Unexplained Pregnancy Loss after 12 Weeks.