Season 3

Dec. 25, 2023

New Tech in Obstetrics. Fetal Monitoring at Home: Episode #145

True Birth discusses new tech in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time of wonder and anticipation, but it also comes with its share of medical checkups and monitoring. Traditional prenatal care often involves frequent visits to the doctor's office, which can...

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Dec. 18, 2023

The Postpartum Stay. What to Expect After Your Delivery. Episode #144

Bringing a new life into the world is a miraculous and life-changing experience. The 24 hours following childbirth are a crucial time for both mother and baby, as they require specialized care and support. In this episode of True Birth, …

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Nov. 21, 2023

RSV Vaccine in Pregnancy: Episode #143

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that can cause respiratory infections in people of all ages, including pregnant women. RSV infections are more prevalent during the fall and winter months. While RSV infections are usually mild and...

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Nov. 13, 2023

Navigating the OB Healthcare System in the US: Episode #142

Navigating the healthcare payor system in the United States can be a complex and sometimes overwhelming task. Understanding the intricacies of in-network and out-of-network insurance, as well as co-pays and deductibles, is crucial for making informed...

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Sept. 11, 2023

Beating the Odds in Pregnancy.: Episode #139

In the world of obstetrics and labor and delivery, statistics often play a pivotal role in shaping expectations for both parents and healthcare providers. Whether it's the odds of a smooth pregnancy, a complication-free childbirth, or a successful...

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Aug. 28, 2023

Evolving Practices in field of Obstetrics. Techniques that are out of…

While many things have remained the same for millenia, the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) has witnessed remarkable advancements over the years, revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals care for pregnant individuals and women's...

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Aug. 1, 2023

Pregnancy Myths Busted: Episode #136

Throughout the ages, various misconceptions have surrounded this magical phase of a woman's life, often leading to laughter and disbelief. In this blog, we will delve into some of the funniest pregnancy myths and unravel the truth behind them. ...

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July 17, 2023

Birth Stories: Positive Forcep Deliveries Episode #134

The Positive Side of Forced Deliveries: Embracing Birth with Forceps Childbirth is a remarkable journey that brings forth new life and creates an everlasting bond between a mother and her baby. While the majority of births occur naturally, there are...

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June 26, 2023

Trisomy 13/18: Episode #133

The world of genetics is an intricate and complex field, a web of codes that define every aspect of our being. Occasionally, unexpected changes that occur during the formation of these genetic blueprints, and these can lead to various genetic...

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June 19, 2023

The Vanishing Art of Obstetrical Forceps in Contemporary Childbirth: …

Obstetrical forceps have played a significant role in the history of childbirth assistance, but their use has declined in recent decades. One reason for this decline is the complexity and skill required to effectively and safely use forceps. Mastering...

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June 12, 2023

Braxton Hicks Contractions. Practice Uterine Contractions in Pregnanc…

As pregnancy progresses, expectant mothers may experience a range of sensations and bodily changes. One common occurrence during the latter stages of pregnancy is Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are often misunderstood, leading to...

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June 5, 2023

Induction of Labor. Why most inductions take 24 hours or less: Episod…

This episode is a continuation of the on "What to Expect When Getting Induced" a step by step guide from getting admitted to delivery of the baby. This episode focuses mainly on how an induction of labor dosen't need to …

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May 30, 2023

Natural Childbirth: Unmedicated Birth Episode #129

Childbirth is a miraculous and transformative experience, marking the beginning of a new chapter in a woman's life. While many women choose to opt for pain relief measures like epidurals during labor, there is a growing movement of mothers who …

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May 22, 2023

Placenta Variations. Different types of Placentas in Pregnancy: Episo…

The placenta, a remarkable organ facilitating the vital exchange of nutrients and waste between mother and fetus, exhibits incredible diversity in its structure and composition. Beyond the conventional placental configurations, such as the discoid...

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May 15, 2023

How to Advocate for Yourself in Healthcare: Episode #127

Navigating the complex world of healthcare can be overwhelming, especially when you're faced with the task of advocating for your own needs. However, being an active participant in your healthcare decisions is essential for ensuring that you receive...

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April 17, 2023

Roadside Delivery: When the Baby Can't Wait for the Hospital: Episode…

Extramural delivery is a term used to describe a situation in which a woman gives birth outside of a hospital or birth center setting. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a fast labor, lack of transportation, …

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April 10, 2023

Gender Revelation during Pregnancy: Episode: #125

Modern Ways of Finding Out Your Baby's Gender: A Sneak Peek into the Womb Discovering the gender of your baby is an exciting milestone for expectant parents. With advances in technology, there are now several ways to determine the gender …

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April 3, 2023

The Umbilical Cord: Episode #124

The umbilical cord is a vital part of pregnancy, connecting the fetus to the placenta and providing essential nutrients and oxygen to support its growth and development. This cord is formed early in pregnancy and typically measures around 1 feet …

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March 20, 2023

Where Politics, Law and Women's Health Overlap. Comments of the Supre…

The overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 was a significant legal decision that has generated strong reactions from various groups and individuals across the United States. Some see it as a positive development, arguing that it aligns with their …

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March 13, 2023

Cerclage Placement in Pregnancy: What to Expect. Episode #121

A review of what happens when a cerclage is placed in pregnancy.

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March 6, 2023

Uterine Scar Pregnancies. What happens when a pregnancy implants on a…

A scar pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy where the fertilized egg implants in the scar tissue of a previous cesarean section or other surgical procedure in the uterus, rather than in the lining of the uterus where …

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Feb. 27, 2023

Dr. Mother Nature's OB/GYN Clinic. Episode #119

What would happen if Mother Nature opened a labor and delivery unit? In a world where labor and delivery were left to all things natural, and there were no doctors to guide the process, how would women and babies fair? …

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