Amniocentesis, once a hallmark of prenatal diagnostics, has become a relic of an earlier era in reproductive healthcare. The procedure, which involves extracting amniotic fluid with a needle to screen for genetic conditions, was...
In this episode, we sit down to read and reflect on a range of patient reviews—both the glowing ones that warm our hearts and the critical ones that challenge us to grow. Join us as we take an honest look …
Pregnancy is a unique experience filled with changes—both physical and emotional—and understanding what lies ahead can help you feel more confident and prepared. From the early signs of pregnancy and prenatal care to the changes your body will...
When it comes to childbirth, many expectant parents envision waiting for labor to begin naturally. However, recent research, including the groundbreaking ARRIVE Trial (A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management), has reshaped how...